Software Freedom School
The Core SFS Team
Name | Contact Info | About |
David L. Willson | dlwillson (at) sofree (dot) us | The starry-eyed pirate captain who turned the twinkle in his eye into the Software Freedom School in 2013. David has nearly three decades of experience as a Linux sysadmin and has appeared across the continent at events supporting free software. |
Heather | hlwillson (at) sofree (dot) us | It is good to be David's wife and co-founder of SFS. There are many things I contribute to SFS but my favorite is feeding the geeks. It is a pleasure to serve my friends and be in a community that truly takes care of and supports one another. |
Aaron | aayore (at) sofree (dot) us | Aaron is part of the original crew of SFS. He brings DevOps, leadership, and a desire to make our community great! |
SFS wants to thank the former board members and long-term contributors without whom we could not have come so far: Mar Williams, Dave Anselmi, Jeffrey S. Haemer, Gary Romero, Troy Ridgley, Silvia, Anthony Sayre, Alex Wise, Ed Schaefer, Michael Shoup, , Marcus Holtz ... and so many others.
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